
After reading the book...

In this time, the author tells us about her husband, Billy.
The author had been back to Tokyo many times over the years , both on business and to visit her family, but when she was in Japan she usually stayed at hotels. However, at that time, author's parents insisted on she and her husband being with them, so she and her husband chose not to stay in a hotel. Thanks to this choice, Billy could encounter completely new, and healthy Japanese home-cooked food.  
Before that trip, author and Billy relied heavily on takeout,frozen dinners, and eating out because author and Billy were too busy to cook dinner. For author, "COOKING" means buying prewashedb salad mix from a supermarket, putting in it a pretty bowl, and serving it with dressing.  
But after that week at her parents' house, author and her husband started to prepare Japanese-style meals  at home more and more. Her mother's dishes led them into more healthier. She said " The most surprising thing was that the more Japanese home cooking we ate, the lener, more energetic,and more productive we became, while at the same time feeling completely satisfied after every meal."

In this part, I could see Billy and author's change. Thanks to that, I could know how influence of Japanese home cooking are strong and wonderful.


After reading my book...

One day, the author's mother sent e-mail to the author. She wants to know the author and the author's husband are doing. The author's mother―Chizuko is a self-taught natural master of Japanese home cooking who never refer to a cookbook. The author thinks Chizuko's cooking is not only just as a sign of love but also as the perfect symbol of why Japanese women are living longer and healthier than everyone else on Earth, and why they and their husband have the lowest obesity rates in the developed world.

Thanks to this book, I was able to realize how important everyday diets are. And I think that I am vary happy to be born in this country. This book is really interesting for me!


After reading the book

In this chapter, author pointed out the Japanese are not just living longest, they are living healthiest.
 According to a recent article in the Washington Post, "Japanese are nor only the longest-lived but statistically the healthiest seniors in the world. The typical Japanese senior now enjoys at least seventy-five years of relative good health. "
 I didn't know that, so I was very surprised at that.
And author said Japanese spend their money less on health care. Japan is the  living longest country in the world, but health care spending per person per year is the lowest in the industrialized world!! The reason is DIET!!!
 I think many elderly people go to hospital, so i thought that health care spending in Japan is very expensive. But is was wrong. I am very happy to know the fact.
This book made me new knowledge about Japan and Japanese diet so I really enjoy reading this book.

Latin American Food Culture

This video focuses on the Latin American food culture.
Dr.Michael Blake,who is an archaeologist in the department of anthropology, told that Latin America is famous for its domestication history.
And he explained domestication and transformation. The domestication is a domesticated plants needs human intervention to reproduce and it means the transformation how the plant or the animal from its wild state. The transformation is happened on a state where the plant or the animal has undergone genetic changes. And then transformation usually makes it more productive for humans who have been interested in the plant or the animal.
And he claimed that it is important for us to know where food comes from because we wouldn't be able to exist and we couldn't live if people don't work producing food. He said that most of us today don't produce enough food, and the food comes from somewhere and it was produced by people who are doing an absolutely essential part. Maybe he thought we must appreciate people    who produce food more.

Then, I want to ask you "Do you know where the food you eat comes from?"
